Appreciation to all those gracing this site

Whether you are looking for upcoming events, talks, health information, a piece of Black Studies or have just stumbled upon it by accident - GREETINGS, and may our connection continue!

This site contains information about Black History & Events, Resource Tools, Charitable Organisations centred around black ancestry - plus you will also find Activist, Human Rights & Race Relation topics with an eclectic list of Museum Exhibitions, Musicians, Music and Plays, Health Info and much more.

The reason for creating this site is to celebrate 'culture' and to acknowledge and display (this black woman's) history, and all 'black life' encompasses. Mainly I wanted a site with a wide range of information; from social to political events, health, and general positive living; and I hope it develops into a forum for information, discussion, sharing talents and much more.

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The intention is


Please appreciate that this site does not condone or promote segregation or advocate exclusion of any 'being' - this is merely a website,  similiar to the millions others out there which in comparison provide information prodominently lacking in cultural information.